InFocus λ - Brand-new microspectroscopy

High-resolution laser Raman microscope


It eliminates the need for optical alignment adjustments and automates focusing. A new concept in laser Raman microscopy that allows anyone to make measurements at the highest resolution at any time.

InFocus λ RS


  • Spatial resolution of 350 nm in the planar direction is achieved by optics that focus the laser to the diffraction limit.

    Spatial resolution of 350 nm in the planar direction is achieved by optics that focus the laser to the diffraction limit.

  • High-quality, highly stable optics eliminate the need for tedious daily alignment adjustments.

    High-quality, highly stable optics eliminate the need for tedious daily alignment adjustments.

  • Autofocus tracking function that maintains focus well for long measurements and enables high-quality Raman mapping.

    Autofocus tracking function maintains focus well for long measurements and enables high-quality Raman mapping.

  • Overview


No matter how advanced Raman microscopes become in functionality and versatility, the paramount importance in measurement remains obtaining high-quality Raman spectra with high resolution.

The InFocus λ RS eliminates the optical alignment adjustments that have plagued many measurers and makes focusing fully automated. A new concept of laser Raman microscopy that enables anyone to make Raman spectroscopy measurements at the highest resolution at any time.

Figure 1: Raman spectra of polyethylene and polypropylene.
Figure 1: Raman spectra of polyethylene and polypropylene.

Guaranteed spatial resolution of 350 nm, close to the diffraction limit.

The high-quality optical system, which efficiently collects light up to the diffraction limit, is fundamental to microscope performance. InFocus λ RS achieves spatial resolution exceeding 350nm when using a 532nm laser and a 100x objective lens with NA 0.90. Thanks to its robust optical system, it maintains high spatial resolution consistently after delivery, eliminating the need for daily alignment adjustments.

Equipped with a spectrograph featuring a balanced focal length of 500mm, ensuring excellent resolution and brightness. It excels in peak position accuracy, making it an optimal choice for stress evaluation.

Figure 2: Spatial resolution assessment by intensity profile of fluorescent beads.
Figure 2: Spatial resolution assessment by intensity profile of fluorescent beads.

Dedicated optics for assisting high-resolution measurements

By combining the spectrograph's slit with the region of interest (ROI) of the electrically cooled CCD, it adopts a cross-confocal optical system that achieves performance equivalent to a pinhole. With easier adjustment, narrowing down the confocal aperture size for high-resolution measurements becomes a practical choice.

Standard equipped with Auto Focus Tracking (AFT) function, utilizing a laser for autofocus detection and tracking focus at a rate of 800 updates per second. This feature helps avoid measurement failures due to stage drift during day-night or long-duration mapping measurements, dramatically reducing analysis time.

Figure. 3: Cross confocal optics with slit and CCD.
Figure. 3: Cross confocal optics with slit and CCD.

Figure 4: Auto Focus Tracking (AFT) optics.
Figure 4: Auto Focus Tracking (AFT) optics.