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  • Biophysics
  • BPS001-IFDS-20240419-001

Published Online: Apr. 19th, 2024 

Dark-field spectroscopy of plasmon-enhanced scattering and fluorescence from polymer-coated silver nanoparticles

  • Keywords
  • Plasmon biosensors
  • Metal nanoparticles
  • Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)
  • Dark-field microscopy
  • Dark-field spectroscopy
  • InFocus λ DS

In the R&D of plasmon biosensors utilizing metal nanoparticles, dark-field microscopy for nanostructure observation and spectroscopy for optical response investigation are indispensable. Here, we present an example of dark-field spectroscopic analysis focusing on surface plasmon-enhanced scattering and fluorescence from Ag nanoparticles, utilizing a dark-field spectroscopic imaging microscope.

  • Semiconductor & nanotechnology
  • No. SEN001-IFCF-20230315-001

Published Online: Mar. 24th, 2023 

Thermal conductivity measurement of amorphous Ge1-xSnx thin films using frequency-domain thermoreflectance

  • Keywords
  • Semiconductor
  • Nanotechnology
  • Frequency-domain thermoreflectance
  • InFocus κ FDTR

The thermal conductivities of amorphous Ge1-xSnx thin films with different Sn compositions were measured using frequency-domain thermoreflectance (FDTR). The results show that the thermal conductivity of the thin films decreases from 0.50 W/mK to 0.44 W/mK with increasing Sn composition, consistent with the amorphous limit calculated by the minimum thermal conductivity model.